Executive Coaching has evolved over the years. In the past most companies engaged a coach to deal with destructive behavior at senior levels. Today, most coaching is undertaken to help develop the capabilities of high-potential employers. E.g. Coutu and Kauffman found that almost 75% of the people who engage coaches do so for three reasons:


  1. to develop high-potential executives,
  2. to facilitate a transition to a new role or
  3. to act as a sounding board.


Stakeholder Focused Coaching Sessions

With our internationally experienced elite team you can always rely on us to provide world class coaching to top managers who are preparing to accept future challenges in their careers. We have worked with C-level executives in Asia and Europe delivering successful stakeholder focused coaching sessions. Our clients include CEOs of multinational corporations as well as top executives from Premier League Football clubs.

We focus on coaching conversations that are non-directive, non-judgmental and full of unconditional positive regard. Our comprehensive coaching assignments normally last up to 6 months though some coaching interventions can be short.

Our coaching has been very useful in

  • Career Transition & Promotions
  • Raising Emotional Intelligence
  • Stepping into C-suite for the first time
  • Succession Planning
  • Role Change

Key features of our Coaching

  • Understanding the client background and context in detail before moving on the next steps i.e. asking more questions and making fewer statements
  • Working with people as effectively as possible; focusing on the future not the past
  • Creating bespoke development plans focusing on critical issues
  • Devise a strategy for improving skills and competencies; preserving and building on the “self-image”
  • Going beyond the signs and symptoms and onto the real issues
  • Prepare and implement plans for their personal, professional and career development; focusing on objective thinking
  • Review progress to ensure the maximum learning from each situation or experience; taking the client into complete confidence about the reasons behind the proposed change

What we achieve through our coaching

  • A well prepared executive for a new role
  • Accelerating the rate at which an individual becomes productive in a new job or assignment.
  • Helping ‘difficult’ individuals realize their full potential.

A professional coaching program backed & a personality test lets clients overcome challenges

  • Helping you understand your personality, behavior as well as understanding your strengths
  • Making you realize how not to overuse your strengths so that they don’t turn into weaknesses
  • Work on your development areas, weaknesses and blind spots
  • Create a customized, client focused & sustainable and effective development plan

Talk to our expert team to discuss the best intervention which fits in with your needs.

Have any Questions? Call us Today!

Some of the tests we use